FAA approves Amazon US drone flight just months after firm gave up and went to Canada

The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) has cut its response time to a measly ten months in approving Amazon's most recent drone flight request.

In a letter to Paul Misener, public policy veep for the Sultans of Seattle, the FAA stunned all witnesses in granting permission for delivery drone test flights only ten months after the request had been submitted.

This is a remarkable turnaround for the FAA, which had previously dithered so much over granting approval for test flights that by the time the request had been granted the tech had become obsolete.

Clearly dissatisfied with such an appalling obstruction, Bezos' boys ventured north from their home in the state of Washington for the less lazy regulatory regime of Transport Canada. Under its encouraging wings they've set up a super-secret testing zone.

The Register has asked Amazon if it intends to abandon its Canadian location following this development, and we are awaiting a response.

Along with Amazon, many other companies' requests were approved at the same time due to the FAA's new interim policy, which saw authorisations hastened for companies which had previously already obtained them. ®

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from ffffff http://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.co.uk/2015/04/10/faa_quicker_response_to_amazon/


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