Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

Pornhub's always wonderful statistical analysis crack team looked at their glorious search data to answer one of life's greatest questions: are you a boobs or a butt person. After finding out which states and which countries like which part, they mapped it all out for the world to see. America, we're a butt country.

Of course, there are other body parts that pop up in and out in porn that are almost definitely more popular but for the sake of these maps, we're only focusing on the supporting players and not the main attractions. Here's the state-by-state breakdown of most searched tastes that brings a whole new definition to the terms red state and blue state:

Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

If you compare that map to the 2012 election map, you'll know which states are true blue (the northeast) and which are true red (the south). If you're curious as to which countries like boobs and butts more than other countries, Pornhub has got you covered too:

Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

In addition, Pornhub also revealed the popularity of other body parts—like feet, legs, etc.—across the world and the country too. Here's the maps for feet:

Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

And here is their breakdown for legs:

Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

Map shows which body parts in porn are the most popular across the world

It's a wonderful service that Pornhub provides to figure out what the world likes. We must do our part to search more.

For more maps—like to see which places fetish over pregnancies—head here.

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