When it comes to buying sneakers, there are only a few brands I will consider -- Nike, New Balance and adidas. While Nike is my favorite for being most comfortable, adidas is near and dear to my heart, mostly for Hip-Hop reasons. Yes, growing up in the 90s, I am a huge fan of rap music and Hip-Hop culture. Ever since Run DMC rapped about the iconic sneakers, they have been a permanent fixture in both Hip-Hop and pop-culture overall.
Today, adidas is going beyond your feet and to your devices. The sneaker company is releasing cases for popular phones and tablets from Apple and Samsung. Of course, the iconic three-strip design is represented.
"adidas Originals, the iconic lifestyle brand, introduces a collection of mobile device accessories to the U.S. market for those with style and originality for both fashion and sport. Now smartphone, tablet, and laptop users can transform their devices into an individualized and stylish looking accessory. The collection features cases for iPhone 6 / 6 Plus / Samsung S5, iPad Air, iPad Mini, 13inch /15 inch laptops, as well as mobile phone sleeves that cater to a variety of devices", says adidas.
The footwear company further explains, "the quality faux leather cases display the famous 3-Stripes which are stitched on top and have the globally-recognized Trefoil logo embossed in contrasting colors. The mobile phone cases are available in a variety of options: molded, booklet or flip. All feature the printed microfiber lining which protects your phone from scratches while the camera stays protected just beneath the case. A must-have mobile accessory for those who are fans of the adidas Originals brand".
While the cases look attractive, their protection is an unknown; until consumers and reviewers get their hands on them, it is a relative crap-shoot. With that said, they appear to be rather nice and I hope to try one on my iPad Air soon. They are priced reasonably -- between $35 and $60 and will be available in December at the Apple Online store and from adidas directly.
Would you buy an adidas phone or tablet case? Tell me in the comments.
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