NICTA chief quits over future structure flap with board

Internet Security Threat Report 2014

Australian research house Research house National ICT Australia (NICTA) has announced the unexpected resignation of CEO Professor Hugh Durrant-Whyte.

A canned statement says “Professor Durrant-Whyte and the Board of NICTA had differences of opinion regarding the strategies and governance structures required to secure the medium and long term future of the organisation.”

“ These differences were unlikely to be resolved,” the statement adds, and “... centred on the role of the CEO and the Board in determining alternatives for the future of the organisation beyond June 2016.”

That's shorthand for “NICTA's going to get less government cash and needs to figure out how to fund itself in the future.”

Everyone's terribly sorry it's come to this and is thanking Durrant-White for his contributions, as is the way of such things.

But NICTA's not crying into its Friday afternoon beers, as it has already lined up an interim replacement in the person of Duane Zitzner.

Zitner's a former HP Veep and has worked with NICTA for seven years as a member of the outfit's International Business Advisory Group. ®

Internet Security Threat Report 2014

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