Children Of Men Is A Brilliant Adaptation of P.D. James' Book

Yesterday, legendary crime novelist P.D. James passed away, at the incredible age of 94. The 'Queen of Crime' might've been best known for her writing, but this 2006 adaptation of James' novel captures everything that's great about her writing.

Children of Men didn't get the widest blockbuster release, but that doesn't stop it from being one of my top sci-fi films. It takes place in 2027, when the human race is facing extinction from infertility, and Britain is left as the only functioning country in the world. It's equal parts gritty and clever, with a tight-knit plot and good acting keeping things moving along.

It's certainly a fitting tribute to James' work — and while you should definitely add one of her novels to your groaning reading list (I'd suggest Cover Her Face), the hour-forty and three bucks you'll spend on Children of Men is a pretty good start.

from ffffff


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