Even the Emperor Would Find This Infant Yoda Bath Towel Adorable

Even the Emperor Would Find This Infant Yoda Bath Towel Adorable

Though completely twisted towards evil by the dark side of the Force, even Emperor Palpatine would find it hard to resist cracking a smile at Etsy seller MiddleBrainedCanvas' adorable Yoda-inspired hooded bath towel.

Available for just $28 the hand-made two-tone cotton towel includes Yoda's highly-recognizable pointy ears attached to its hood. And it can be tossed in the washing machine for easy cleaning because if you've got a toddler at home to actually wear it, you likely don't have time to hand-wash anything. [Etsy - MiddleBrainedCanvas via Oddity Mall]

Even the Emperor Would Find This Infant Yoda Bath Towel Adorable

Even the Emperor Would Find This Infant Yoda Bath Towel Adorable

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