Apcera goes hybrid

Platform-as-a-service outfit Apcera has announced its hybrid cloud solution is nearly ready to go, with demonstrations in March and general availability in Q3 of 2015.

The company, in which Ericsson purchased a majority stake last year, is going to show off the offering at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona in early March.

While the Apcera HCOS environment will initially target enterprise IT, the company hopes it can also attract telcos, saying the cloud service is suitable to support network function virtualisation and software defined network rollouts, and for customer-facing services, can support environments like voice, video and messaging.

The big pitch from Apcera is its Continuum ecosystem, which currently covers public clouds like AWS, Google Compute Engine and Softlayer. It plans to integrate Azure in Q2.

Continuum also provides policy management across the supported clouds, so applications can be shared and moved from a single interface.

As the company gushes in its blog, “This gives enterprises full control over their resources, by automating the execution of programs and turning up of resources, providing greater visibility into how the resources interact, and enabling the application of security and policy consistently across the entire environment.”

In January, Apcera signed a deal with Tropo to get access to a set of realtime APIs for telcos to help carriers design services.

In other news, Ericsson has announced that it's going to buy an OSS/BSS (operational support systems / business support systems) integration company called TimelessMIND.

The purchase will bring on board 30 staff in Canada and India. ®

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from ffffff http://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.co.uk/2015/02/24/apcera_goes_hybrid/


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