Arista, Puppet Labs share the DevOps love

Puppet Labs has added support for Arista kit to its automation suite.

The native Arista Extensible Operating System – EOS – module and Forge Module means Puppet Enterprise can now reach into data centres built on Arista's switches, the company says.

It also means that changes to networking kit can happen automatically and without proprietary vendor tools, Puppet notes.

The combo of the native Puppet agent with EOS means the two environments are integrated without needing a proxy host to provide the interface. Instead, each network device can be managed as a Puppet node.

The module uses Puppet's netdev_stdlib, designed to let Puppet resources manage different hardware with a minimum of modification.

Along with the usual nod to DevOps, the companies say the integration should speed deployment, reduce human error, and make deployments more visible to the management environment.

Getting Arista on board also expands Puppet Labs' certification program, the Puppet Supported Program, which the company launched in July 2014.

Last December, Puppet Labs decided that even Windows developers could do DevOps, and added modules to manage PowerShell, ACLs, and SQL Server from Puppet Enterprise. ®

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