Muse: Showbiz

15 years ago, a tiny British alt rock band, led by concert pianist/conspiracy theorist Matthew Bellamy, released their debut album, Showbiz. Nowadays, Muse plays sell-out stadium shows with ridiculous pyrotechnic displays and gymnasts dangling from blimps, but back then, they were just another semi-goth band of community college dropouts.

Showbiz was their debut album, and it's a long way from the modern-day Muse sounds. Despite that, it's still probably my favorite album by the British trio, and the mix of mellow acoustic tracks with semi-angry punk rock creates an album that's perfect for crappy fall weather and rapidly-approaching deadlines.

A bonus Muse extra: while I was re-listening to all of Showbiz, I stumbled back across this awesome vide of the band drunkenly lip-syncing to a song, having switched instruments, live on Italian TV. Stay awesome, guys.

from ffffff


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