This Typographic Climbing Wall Stretches the Length of a Beach

This Typographic Climbing Wall Stretches the Length of a Beach

There's no forgetting where you are when you visit this climbing wall—because the place name is spelt out in giant letter along its 40-meter length.

Freshly installed at Barry Island in Wales, the climbing wall is built up of over 5,000 holds, most of which are seaside-themed and all of which are cut from recycled plastic. In bright, child-friendly colors, obviously.

The shapes form letters which in turn form words to read 'YNYS BARRY – BARRY ISLAND,' to tell everyone where they are. In fact, the text can be read from planes landing at nearby Cardiff Airport.

The holds make it possible to climb each letter, and there's also a route which allows you to traverse the wall from one end to other. If you don't get distracted by novelty shapes along the way. [Creative Review via Design Boom]

This Typographic Climbing Wall Stretches the Length of a Beach

from ffffff


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