Affirmative wrist action: Pebble Time raises 20 MEELLION BUCKS on Kickstarter

Startup Pebble Time – which, we're told, plans to start shipping its wrist-puter in May – raised more than $20m during a month-long Kickstarter campaign.

A quarter of the cash was ponied up within the first few hours of the biz crying out for money to support its development of the outfit's 9.5mm-thick Pebble Time smartwatch.

Pebble Time said on its Kickstarter page today:

We will be spending the coming months hard at work polishing every last detail of Pebble Time and Pebble Time Steel, finishing Pebble timeline, and ramping up the production process.

Expect updates as we progress.

In total, the firm raised $20,338,986 from 78,471 backers.

As The Register reported in February at the start of the campaign, which significantly came ahead of Apple's Watch marketing blitz, Pebble Time's wrist – wrapped in black, white or red casing – is expected to come with a $199 price tag.

It has a back-lit colour e-paper Gorilla Glass screen that the company claimed would be readable in daylight. Pebble Time also promiseed up to seven days of battery life and full compatibility with all previous Pebble apps. ®

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