All I Want Out of New Year's Eve Is a Swingin' Party

All I Want Out of New Year's Eve Is a Swingin' Party

I listened to "Swingin' Party" by Kindness more than any other song in 2014. It's not really party music, and it's certainly not swing music. (It's not about swinging either, perv.) But the chill, let's-hang-out-with-our-favorite-friends vibe is everything I want out of my New Year's Eve.

"Swingin' Party" was originally released by The Replacements in 1985, though it's been covered countless times. Kindness did their the glitchy version in 2009, and Lorde did a moody rendition in 2013. But one line stands out in all of them: "Bring your own lampshade / Somewhere there's a party."

That's what I want. I want to go to a house party with my favorite friends and a bunch of lampshades. Sounds weird and cool and much better than cramming into Times Square and peeing my pants. If I see a stranger at the party without a lampshade, well they can have mine because that's the New Year's spirit. We're all in this together. [Spotify, iTunes, Amazon]

Image via Flickr

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